martes, 27 de enero de 2009

First Environmental Message of Universal History to the World Peoples and Governments

Environmental message to the World Peoples and Governments
Madrid, February 21, 1972
The following is the first political discourse in the history that were mentioned in news Environmental Remediation the Climate Change and Environmental Awareness conducive to Sustainable Development.
All terms not existing until after more than 20 years later, but implicit in the message.
Juan Domingo Peron give the causes and consequences and introduces political solutions to environmental problems.
Some of which are being implemented in several countries after nearly 37 years
For almost thirty years, when it still had not started the process of decolonization contemporary announce the third position in defense of sovereignty and self-determination for small nations, compared to the blocks that were divided by the victors of the Second World War.
Today, when those small nations have grown in number and are the gigantic and massive Third World a bigger threat that affects all humanity and threatens their very survival requires us to raise the issue in new terms, which go beyond the strictly political, beyond the partisan and ideological divisions, and enters the sphere of humanity's relationship with nature
We believe that the time has come when all peoples and governments of the world aware of the progress that humanity has suicidal undertaken through contamination of the environment and the biosphere, the squandering of natural resources, the unbridled growth of population and over-estimation of technology and the need to immediately reverse the direction of the march, through a joint international action.
The awareness must come from men of science, but it can be transformed into action through political leaders
So tackle the issue as a political leader with the authority given to me to have been a precursor to the current position of the Third World and the support they give me the latest research of scientists in the field.

The facts
Human beings can not be conceived independently of the environment he has created.
Already a powerful biological force, and if it continues destroying vital resources offered by the Earth, can expect only real social disaster for the coming decades.
Mankind is changing the conditions of life so fast that fails to adapt to new conditions.
Its action is faster than the abstraction of reality and man has not come to understand, among other things, that the vital resources for himself and his descendants derive from nature and not their mental power.
Thus, daily life becomes an endless chain of contradictions.
In the last century and plundered entire continents have sufficed a few decades to turn landfills into rivers and seas and the air of major cities in a toxic gas and thick.
Invented the car for easy removal, but now has become a civilization of the car sits on a host of circulatory problems, urbanization, pollution and immunity in the towns is taxed and the consequences of sedentary lifestyles
Mass wasting
The so-called "consumer societies" are actually massive wastage of social systems, based on spending, which produces taste loss.
Is wasted through the production of goods necessary or superfluous, and among these, the consumer should be durable, with any intent are assigned a life renewal occurs because profits.
Million in investments are spent to change the look of the articles, but not to replace the goods are harmful to human health, and even calls for new procedures to meet the toxic human vanity.
Examples are cars today that should have been replaced by electric motors, or the toxic lead that is added to gasoline to increase just the same subdivision.
No less serious is the fact that the social systems of waste of the most technologically advanced countries through the consumption functions of huge natural resources provided by the Third World.
Thus the problem of relations within humanity is paradoxically twofold: some social classes - to low-tech countries in particular - are suffering from the effects of hunger, illiteracy and disease, but also social class and countries that recorded for the excess consumption in the suffering of the first, are not rational or are fed a culture or a genuine spiritual life or physically healthy.
Are discussed in the midst of anxiety and boredom and bad habits that produces entertainment misused.
The mirage of technology
What is worse, because of powerful vested interests or the widespread false belief that the vital natural resources are inexhaustible to man, this state of affairs seems to be increasing, while a ghost - a man travels the world-devouring 55 million every 20 months humble lives, affecting countries that until yesterday were granaries of the world and threatening to expand fulmíneo so in the coming decades.
In the centers of high technology is announced among other wonders, soon the clothes are cut with lasers and that housewives make purchases and pay television using electronic systems.
The separation in the wake of humanity is so visible that it seems to consist of more than one species.
The human being blinded by the mirage of technology, has forgotten the truths that lie at the foundation of its existence.
And thus, while arriving at the moon through cybernetics, new metal, powerful fuel, electronics and a fabulous range of knowledge, kills the oxygen we breathe the water we drink and the soil that you feed and raise the temperature of the environment without measuring their biological consequences.
Already at the height of his folly, kills the evil that could serve as bases of support
After the earth, the sea ...
During the last century man has exterminated about 200 species of terrestrial animals.
Now it has become clear the marine species.
Apart from the effects of overfishing, large areas of the oceans, especially coastal and cemeteries have been turned into fish and shellfish, both for waste dumped by oil spilled accidentally.
Just released by the oil tanker has sunk over the past decade killed nearly 600,000 million fish.
But the sea still throwing more waste than ever, thousands of drill oil wells in the sea and its coasts extend to infinity and the weight of the oil without taking measures to protect marine flora and fauna .
And the water ...
The increased toxicity of the air in large cities, is well known, but very little has been done to decrease it.
However, there is still a worldwide spread knowledge about the problem of wastage of fresh water for both human consumption and for agriculture.
The clearing of deep water has become deserts were once fertile vast areas of the globe, and rivers have become sewers rather than sources of drinking water or roads.
At the same time the erosion caused by cultivation or irrational by the removal of natural vegetation has become a global problem and it is intended to replace chemicals with the biological cycle of the floor, one of the most complex nature.
To make matters worse many natural sources have been contaminated, the reserves when we would be as a last resort the desalination of sea, we learned that a company of this kind of universal, would require an infrastructure that humanity is not able to finance and arm in this time
Food and weapons
Moreover, despite the so-called Green Revolution, the Third World, has not yet reached to produce the quantity of food consumed, and to achieve its self needs industrial development, structural reforms and the realization of social justice that is still far from reach.
To make matters worse, the development of alternative food production is hampered by inadequate financial and technical difficulties.
Of course all these result in an unreasonable and irrational as unbridled arms race that is costing humanity 200,000 million dollars annually.
In this welter of problems created artificially align the explosive growth of humanity.
The number of human beings that populate the planet has doubled in the last century and double again by the end of today or early next, to continue the current ratio of growth.
To continue on this path, in the year 2500 every man will have only square meter on the planet.
This overview is distant in time but not much different from that already corresponds to the major cities and should not be forgotten that within 20 years more than half of humanity live in cities large and medium.
Population policy
Clearly then, that humankind needs to have a population policy.
The question is still putting into practice, because of the delay to begin with. not produce its effects before the end of the decade in education, and before the end of the century in the field work.
And also the population policy does not produce the desired effect but is accompanied by a corresponding social and economic policy.
Anyway, keep the current rate of human population growth is so suicidal as to maintain the waste of natural resources in the highly industrialized centers which governs the market economy, or those countries that have copied its model of development.
What should not be accepted is that the population policy is based on the action of pills that endanger the health of those who take it or its descendants ,
What to do
Looking at the whole problem we are facing and that we have listed, check that comes from greed and lack of human, as some of the characteristics of social systems, the abuse of technology, lack of knowledge of biological relationships and the natural progression of human population growth.
This heterogeneity of causes lead to a variety of responses, although ultimately have in common the use of human intelligence.
The irrationality of collective suicide should respond with the rationality of the desire for survival.
To halt and reverse the march toward the disaster we must accept some assumptions:
1. Are necessary and urgent: a mental revolution in men, especially the leaders of the most highly industrialized countries, a change of social structures and production worldwide, particularly in countries where high-tech governing the market economy and the emergence of a biological living within humankind and between humankind and the rest of nature.
2. This mental revolution means understanding that man can not replace nature in maintaining an adequate biological-cycle general, the technology is a double edged sword, that the so-called progress must be limited and that even that would waive any comfort he gave us civilization, that nature must be restored as much as possible the natural resources that are acceptable and therefore should be cared for and used wisely by the man, that population growth is increasing and reducing improving food distribution and dissemination of social services like education and public health, and education and healthy recreation should replace the paper that goods and services superfluous now play in the life of man.
3. Every nation has the sovereign right to use their natural resources. But at the same time, each government has the obligation to require its citizens to care and rational use of them. The individual right to keep a duty towards the collective survival, whether citizens or peoples.
4. The modification of social structures and productive in the world means that the profit and waste can not continue to be the basic engine of any society. and that social justice should be required at the base of any system, not only for the direct benefit for men but to increase production of food and necessary goods, consequently, the priorities of production of goods and services must be altered to a greater or lesser degree depending on the country concerned.
In other words: need new models of production, consumption, and technology development organization, while giving priority to meeting the essential needs of human beings, to ration the consumption of natural resources and to minimize possible environmental pollution.
5. We need a new man in a world mentally physically again.
You can not build a new society based on full development of human personality in a world tainted by the pollution and exhaustion and thirst maddened by the noise and overcrowding.
We must transform the city's prisons in the cities of the future gardens.
6. Population growth must be planned, if possible immediately, but through methods that do not harm human health, according to the particular conditions of each country (this does not apply to Argentina, for example) and under economic and social policy globally rational.
7. The fight against pollution of the atmosphere and the biosphere against waste of natural resources, noise and overcrowding of cities, and must start at the municipal level, nationally and internationally.
These problems in the international order, must move to the agenda of negotiations between the great powers and life of the United Nations as a first priority.
This, in whole, is not a problem of humanity that is the problem.
8. All these problems are so inextricably linked with social justice, of political sovereignty and economic independence of the third world and détente and international cooperation.
9. Many of these problems must be addressed beyond the ideological differences that separate individuals within their companies or the United States within the international community.
We the third world
Finally I wish to make some for our
Third World countries:
1 - We care for our natural tooth and nail for the voracity of the international monopolies that seek to nurture a kind of absurdity in the development and industrialization of high technology centers where governing the market economy.
No longer can an increase in large-scale food production in the Third World without a parallel development of industries.
So every gram of raw material that is left today to snatch third world countries equals pounds of food which will produce tomorrow.
2 - There is no point that we avoid an exodus of our natural resources if we cling to development methods, advocated by these monopolies, which meant the negation of a rational use of those resources.
3 - In defense of their interests, countries need to foster regional integration and solidarity.
4 - You should not forget that the basic problem of most Third World countries is the absence of genuine social justice and popular participation in the leadership will be able to cope with the agonizingly difficult decades ahead.
Mankind must put on a war footing to defend itself.
This daunting task no one can stay with their arms crossed.
So I call upon all peoples and governments of the world in a solidarity action
Madrid, February 21, 1972

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